Very British Problems (2015-16)
A series where comedians and celebrities talk about the peculiarities of the British psyche. Watch short bits and pieces and ENJOY!
Why is it so awkward for Brits to greet each other? What do you say? To kiss or not to kiss? How about a handshake?
The Brits discuss the different accents that they take on for different occasions.
Public Transportation
The Brits discuss what it's like to defend your personal space while riding public transportation.
Saying Goodbye
The great British tradition of the long goodbye...
"Make Yourself At Home"
When the Brits say 'make yourself at home', do they actually mean it?
A tip puts a numerical value on saying 'thank you', which the Brits find awkward and kind of vulgar.
Non-Stop Compliments
Receiving compliments can be difficult for the Brits. British women seem to be self-deprecating: 'No, you wouldn't like boobs like mine'/ What doesn't fly with men? How can headphones help?
The Brits discuss the difficulties with appearing under or overly emotional when texting.
Buying a Round of Drinks
How do the Brits determine whose turn it is to buy the next round of drinks at the pub?
The Brits discuss the urge to apologize for gifts that they buy for other people because they secretly know how bad they are.
Holding the Door
The Brits discuss their longing desire for clearer guidelines about the protocol of holding the door for other people. Whose feelings do u have to consider? Why is it a Catch-22?
Kicking of the seat and other passengers speaking to you are just a couple of the reasons why the Brits aren't fans frequent flying.
The Brits discuss the unwelcoming surprise of describing who they are to someone else.
Have a nice day
Any problem with using the phrase "have a nice day"?
Avoiding people
Why do the Brits attempt to avoid human contact?
Saying goodbye
Clip from the first episode of Very British Problems. Stephen Mangan, James Corden and Rich Hall consider the British inability to end a conversation.
Double Speak
A guide to understanding what British people really mean...
Not hearing someone
Oh, those awful situations where you can't quite hear someone. What do the Brits do?
Insulting Your Friends
For the Brits, the best thing to do is to insult friends because it's the only way to show that you like them. The bigger the insult, the closer a friend&? Seriously?
Trip Advisor
The Brits discuss their constant need to check Trip Advisor for hotel reviews and more.
Drinking Responsibly
The Brits discuss their inability to drink responsibly.
The Brits discuss how they feel compelled to tell their hairdressers that they love their new haircut, even when they don't.
Meet the Parents
The Brits discuss the embarrassment of meeting their partner's parents, especially when they know you're having sex with their offspring.
Never Appearing to be Clever
The Brits discuss how difficult its been for them to appear as clever individuals to others. Cool OR clever - does it have to be a dilemma?
- to be continued -
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